10: Jaclyn Lanthier: Lichen Sclerosus

This 10th episode is a conversation with Jaclyn Lanthier, around Lichen Sclerosis. We talk about what it is, the importance of diagnosis, hormones and their possible importance as an adjunct therapy, self touch and myofascial release, vibrators, the difficulties of folks with penis’s getting support and a diagnosis, and how much care and love is necessary for all of our genitals.

Jaclyn is a vulvar lichen sclerosus patient advocate from Toronto, Canada. Jaclyn is the founder and director of The Lost Labia Chronicles, an evidence-based knowledge-sharing hub for vulvar lichen sclerosus information and support. She is on the executive board of Lichen Sclerosus Network, a non-profit organization based in the USA. She is currently enrolled in the EUPATI patient expert training program to improve her skills in patient advocacy. Jaclyn did her Ph.D. in philosophy of neuroscience at the Western University, in London, Ontario, where she evaluated the scientific methods and protocols used in cognitive neuroscience research to assess the reliability of the findings and ensure that the conclusions drawn from these studies are credible and trustworthy. Jaclyn is passionate about science communication, knowledge translation, and improving the quality of life of people with VLS through education and support.

Jaclyn’s Website: www.lostlabia.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/thelostlabiachronicles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thelostlabiachronicles
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thelostlabiachronicles  

Dr Rachel Rubin's blog on adhesions: https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/new-research-on-clitoral-adhesions

Dr Corey Babb talking about hormones: https://youtu.be/o5gTLNL9LNU?si=Vp7udmLh-a1D8CwK

Myofascial release and clitoral adhesions: https://youtu.be/QWyM1WFAY-Y?si=theIr4U9geJprS5s

When Sex Hurts: Understanding and Healing Pelvic Pain, by Andrew Goldstein, Caroline Pukall, Irwin Goldstein, and Jill Krapf.


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11: Natasha Salaash: De-Colonizing Parenting As a Foundation for Touch, Intimacy, and Pleasure.


09: Tyson Adams: Porn Addiction, Circumcision, and a Pathway Back to Wholeness