09: Tyson Adams: Porn Addiction, Circumcision, and a Pathway Back to Wholeness

“There is a study done in 2015 that showed that 85/87% …of the porn that were the top 20/25 videos of that year, contained some form of violence, sexism, and or gender-ism, in the sense of the male was receiving the orgasms and the women were receiving a very small amount of those orgasms. And so, what’s important to understand is beyond what the industry is doing to us. We are eroticizing things that create a nervous system of violence, sexism, gender-ism and all of these different things that we’re not aware of. And then we’re wondering why we feel dysregulated and we don’t connect the dots to the fact that we are literally bringing in the energetics of those individuals, on the other side of the screen, that are coming through the technology and into our own bodies. 

And that is something that I learned on psychedelics: doing mushrooms and then watching pornography. And starting to see - oh my gosh, we’re not just watching porn, we’re eroticizing the energetics of whoever it is we’re watching, and whatever their journey and story was, we’re now bringing that into ourself. And as I got in touch with that, I realized, oh my god, I’ve been doing that for decades. And then I went on a pretty major journey to move all of that trauma, and all of that violence out of my own system. Which was quite a laborious process, but unbelievably therapeutic and necessary and, I’m so grateful.”

This conversation with Tyson Adams is around some really deep societal wounding. We talk about porn addiction, circumcision, the impacts on the individual, and relationally on many levels. We also touch in a little on working with entheogens and some of the learning and healing possibilities in those spaces.

Tyson Adams is a trauma informed IFS men’s coach, somatic bodyworker, and psychedelic facilitator. After spending 20 years addicted to pornography, he outgrew it seven years ago and has found his passion and purpose in helping other men master their life-force energy. He also co-facilitates men’s work leadership intensives and works with couples experiencing intimacy challenges. When he’s not working you’ll catch him on a rock wall or riding a slackline in sunny San Diego.

This is how Tyson works safely with sexual trauma.

You can connect with Tyson Adams in these places:



email: tyson@thriive.life

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10: Jaclyn Lanthier: Lichen Sclerosus


08: Marika Tousignant: Pleasure Is An Inside Job