03: Embodiment, Touch, and Non Ordinary States of Consciousness with Mehdi.

The Importance of Pleasure in Healing.

“The soul feels unsafe in a frightened body. Let’s prepare your body to be a home for the soul again.” Mehdi

Mehdi has been a psychotherapist for over 25 years. He specializes in in trauma and sex. Mehdi has graduate degrees in counselling psychology and art therapy, and training in sandplay therapy, sexological bodywork and somatic sex education. He lives Nanaimo and works with clients in person and online everywhere. Mehdi’s approach is based on connecting people with their authentic Self and pleasure, and finding creative solutions towards consensual and pleasurable relationships. His clientele includes adults with histories of trauma and couples with sex and relationship challenges.   

Mehdi’s website

Resources mentioned:

Wheel of Consent book by Dr Betty Martin with Robyn Dalzen

Janet W Hardy autobiography, Impervious: Confessions of a Semi-Retired Deviant

Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education


Racheal Charlie: www.rachealcharlie.com

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04: Cultivating wisdom from the more-than-human world about eros, aging, and death: with Caffyn Jesse.


02: A Path into the Erotic, Ecstasy, and Rapture with Elodie Jouvenot.